Production times vary depending on the product, stock, and finish.  Each product will display all available turnaround times.  We are unable to offer rush production on all products. If a rush turnaround is not displayed as an option, it is not available.

Please note: Turnaround starts from the time we have inspected the files and approved them for print. If Creations Creative does not deem the files production ready (e.g., those with problems or that require a proof), a job has revised files, is placed on hold, or is awaiting proof approval the turnaround starts from the time the approval is given.

Our turnaround times refer solely to production. Once production is complete it may take up to one business day for orders to ship or be delivered. It is our goal to release all jobs as soon as completion of production allows. The last day of your turn-around time is not a guaranteed “in hands” date.

While we make every attempt to meet or exceed the stated turnaround times, turn times are not guaranteed. A variety of issues including but not limited to equipment failure, weather conditions, production errors, etc. may create unplanned delays. If your order is time sensitive we recommend contacting us prior to placing your order.

***PLEASE NOTE FOR ALL TURNAROUND TIMES: Local delivery or pickup will be available the day after production is scheduled to end. ***

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